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Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Land Allocation Plan

Area for Development 81,868.00 sq.m
Roads 8 Alleys 18,698.00 sq.m 22.84 %
Open Space 6,447.00 sq.m 07.87 %
Yield 56,723.00 sq.m 69.93 %

UPEHCO Construction

Monday, January 18, 2010


UPEHCO is non-profit, non-governmental organization registered with the Cooperative Development Authority in 1990. The cooperative has a membership base of approximately 2,000 as of January this year, 90% of whom are PAG-IBIG members and majority are employed with the University of the Philippines.

Some of the members come from the UP's School of Urban and regional Planning who have beenrequested to assest in the preapation of the site development plans. member from the College of Architecture have been tapped to draw the housing designs while those from the Community Planning, development and Maintenance Office help in the construction of the housing units. finaly memebers from the College of Law have provided legal assistance to the cooperative.

Indeed, the concept of "bayanihan" has been well mobilized by the cooperative to achieve its purpose.

UPEHCO and the Pag – IBIG Fund: Working for a Common Goal

Breeding the best, the brightest and…
The most socially committed Filipinos – that’s the kind UP President Emil Javier believes the state University should produce. With his seven-Point agenda, even his former detractors are taking notice.

UPEHCO and the Pag – IBIG Fund: Working for a Common Goal

It was a story of sheeer determination and perseverance manifested by these employees of the University of the Philippines (U.P). driven by the desire to own their own homes, they organized themselves into the UP Employees Housing cooperative, Inc.
(UPEHCO) and availed of a loan from the Pag-IBIG fund under thye group Land Acquisition and development Program or GLAD. Financial assistance from Pag-IBIG comes up to P37,887 million for the acquisition and development of an 8.18 hectare rawland at Banaba, brgy. San Luis, Antipolo, Rizal, and contruction of 314 housing units of the cooperative’s member.

The UPEHCO was organized to undertake, among others, the acquisition of the rawland in Antipolo and the development of the housing project for the benefit of it’s cooperative members composed of UP office personnel and faculty member.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

UP Housing Coop, First Construction

UPEHCo officials said yes, the property was worth the waiting because cooperative members were able to cut construction costs substainly.,
"what we can really boast of was being able to lower the cost of construction, at least, in the profit part and being able to finance our own houses based on what we can afford.,

The UPEHCO Housing Approach: What is UPEHCO

The UPEHCO Housing Approach: What is UPEHCO

keep up the Good work and more power.,

What is UPEHCO

as a response to the challenge of coming up a working strategy to provide decent and affordable housing to the ordinary Filipino family, the UP Emplyees Housing Cooperative (UPEHCO) was organized in March 1990 by a group of academics and cooperative avocate in the Diliman Campus of the Philippines. The initiative was the first ever in the UP community.

from an initial membership of 21 in December 1990, UPEHCO's memebreship has grown at an average of 40 percent annually. Most of the members are administrative and academic personnel of various campuses of the University - in Diliman, and ILoilo, and later to include other campuses of the University.